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“Just Like Fire” Acro Recital Dance 2022
Recent Posts in Yoga & Acrobatics
Yoga & Acrobatics

When the world seems upside down, trying standing on your head.

Acrobatics was a key part of Lydia’s dance training when she was younger. She began at five years old and was quite flexible in her youth. She has now transitioned to more yoga based flexibility training and focuses on exercises for strengthening and supporting her back. It allows her greater range of motion in dancing and martial art training. It is also a great base for stunt work.

Music Training

Lydia began piano lessons at eight years old. Over the course of six years, she studied both classical and rock piano with three different teachers. She now enjoys playing the piano in her free time. She has been enrolled in vocal training on and off for several years. Her preferred vocal range is an Alto (F3-F5). She has also recently begun learning to play acoustic guitar.

Black Belt Test – Board Breaking
Recent Posts in Martial Arts
Martial Arts

Lydia has been studying Tae Kwon Do for three years and has recently earned her black belt. She also trains in kickboxing for cardio and strength building workouts. She has taken basic stunt training covering skills such as theatrical sword fighting, falls and dives, and harness work.

Athletic Activities

Lydia is very active and can be found exploring many different athletic activities including: hiking, biking, jump roping, swimming, and golfing. Rock climbing has become a new favorite past time for her.